I, ... ahem, I took a sabot sailing lesson today. Yes, I, who used to own a sabot and sailed it around the san Pedro boat marina where we kept La Sonadora (our 25' piver trimaran), I took a lesson in sabot sailing today. And I learned a lot. Unfortunately, T who is the best daughter ever and loves to share things with me, gave me her summer cold and it decided to rear its ugly head this morning. But not enough to make me want to cancel (and pay a cancellation fee) this afore mentioned lesson. So while I was sailing, my body was becoming achy-er & achy-er until I finally pulled a major brain fart, put myself in irons(where you are headed straight into the wind and your sail is flapping uselessly on the mast) and could not figure out how to get myself going forward again. How could this happen to me? you might ask. I, who lived on a trimaran for 2 yrs, sailed down the west coast from San Pedro to San Diego and then on from there down the baja coast, how could I have put myself in irons (that part is easy and done by many a sabot sailor) and then not been able to rectify it on my own? All I can say in my defense, is that I ended up turning to the instructor and telling him to remind me of what I was supposed to do, and then proceeded to do it.
As I did my "push up" onto the dock, out of the sabot, my achy body and sore throat reminded me of why I even considered canceling this morning. Somehow, it was reassuring to me that I am not an idiot, just a sick person who could not remember what to do until reminded by my great instructor, James. Mission Bay Aquatic Center, you guys ROCK!
Hopefully, this will be a good lesson as to why sometimes a non-relative instructor is good for the soul (of learning, that is!)...