Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving with Granpa (or my Daddy)

Well, this is the 1st holiday without my mom. Since she has not cooked for the holidays in well over 20 yrs, I was not missing her as much as I thought I would. My dad (i.e. gramps) came down from LB and managed to have a good holiday with us. We went to my cousin Vero's house for dinner (in which I am trying to be on time now, she said she wanted us sitting down at dinner at 1 PM, I arrived at 12:15 PM, only to find that I surprised her still in her pj's and needing a shower still, Sorry about that Vero!) and Joan's for desert. I think my dad had fun, but honestly, he would have gotten so much more out of everything if he knew sign language. That way I could have signed for him, and he would have been able to participate in the conversation.

Can I suggest that to him without getting his goat? We'll see...

John went to Baja Thurs. night and should be back Monday morning. Swell coming in so fast, that they (he & Cooley) decided to NOT take the boat. Took Kit Kat, and now I miss them both.