Friday, March 6, 2009

Back in Guatemala City

Well, we made it back to Guatemala city.  This last border crossing was our fastest and our best.  I guess that we are finally getting good at it!  It took all of an hour and fifteen min. and it only cost us 40 quetzales (about $5 US).  We are now visiting SIL and then will be back on the road to check out some new places in mainland Mexico and back to some old favorites.

We stayed at El Zonte, in El Salvador and got a relaxed vibe from it.  we stayed right on the point at "Raul's" a great guy who is 60 and you would never guess it.  He has two adult sons, Ernesto and Moyo who are pretty good surfers.  Hung out with some canadiens (hi Jason and Heather and Shana) and a guy from Alaska (hi Mateo).  Food was pretty good there and let's face it, E.S. is cheap, cheap, cheap!  Meals were $5 or less, can stay in A/C rooms for $20 US or less.  Internet is a buck an hour.  Can't beat that.

Hope all is well in Obama land,

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