Saturday, June 28, 2008

little by little...

John just came home from the beach with full wetsuits for the kids that will fit them while we are in Southern waters. Little by little, things that we get and books that we read and videos that we watch, makes the fact that we are leaving seem more real. John is showing them how to get the wetsuits on and I am imagining what it will be like when they are trying to surf in Peru or in Chile.
We watched a video on Peru and the city in the Clouds and I got frustrated with the kids reaction to it. I asked them for their thoughts and Teresa (especially) just said, "I dunno!" and shrugged and got all flustered. It made me excited to see Cuzco and Machu Picchu. Wow, we are going there! Leo said that since it was so far away from the surf that we would not go there and I had to correct him. We would have to go, considering that we are in that part of the world only this one time(as far as I know it will only be this one time).
I get the impression that when I talk about leaving in Nov. that people are thinking, "Yeah, right!" and thinking that we would not really go. My friends know that we will go. Now, for more research....sigh.

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