Monday, June 30, 2008

started the novel

Hey, yesterday I got the binder out and started asking myself questions about the plot and the characters of the story so that I can build an outline. So far, so good. I have written, as in HANDwritten a full page so far and am trying to decide where to start it. These characters have been with me for such a long time that I could literally start at their births, but that seems overlong and needless, I could start at the moment of crisis, which I most likely will, or I could start nearer to the end and flashback. These are just idle thoughts I have flitting through this interesting head of mine....interesting to me, at least.
I have named the characters...Inez, of the title, being the understanding latina widow, Anna, the owner of the Physician-assisted suicide clinic (honestly, have to find a better clinic type name), and Richard, the reason the 2 women strike up their odd friendship.
Physically, Anna is a certain blonde actress of my age that I admire, Inez is me and Richard is the same as B from my past.
Hopefully writing this out on a public post lights my fire and continues to make me write.


Anonymous said...

Well it sounds good so far although I do agree another clinc name is needed. LOL
I hope it all comes out as planned.
I know nothing of writing but I think it's neat that I can now say I know someone is a writer. LOL

Gimi said...

Toni - you and I are a lot alike, I've found. I always have a million ideas floating around in my head. I liken them to goldfish swimming around and around their bowl and never really getting anywhere. lol I love the name Inez. I think you're on the right track with the outline- that way you'll always have a reference point to come back to, even if the story changes as it grows. Good for you - you've got the first page!