Just a couple of quick thoughts....I am reading a book on the death business for the novel "Death in the Life of Inez" and also a book called "Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans and Vagabonds ; Mexican Immigration and the Furture of Race in America" which is for Inez' character development. Ironically, John said some smartass remark about that, like " Oh you wouldn't know anything about being hispanic, would you?" Oh ha ha ha.
The dog is coming along. She seems to be attaching to me quite well. I need to take her for a nice long walk at Lake Murray.
The kids began cursive practise. Still doing multiplication, division and fractions. I am looking into buying some math games. I am also hoping to get our curriculum pretty quick here, no telling when Mr. Grippo decides that he has had enough of so called "civilization", or San Diego...
1 Hr. a day is my goal for writing. I am also going to start having the kids journal.
took the kids to boogie board this afternoon, I think we will be doing more of that in the next couple weeks.
Oh and here I am with Leo in Mazatlan....good times!